Soul Aligned CEO
Sharing the stories, tips and journeys of entrepreneurs who entered into the business world pursuing their passions fearlessly soul aligned.
Inspiration to start your own business with steps, insights and also how to have fun following your dreams!
How to tune into your intuition and inner guidance to help you succeed!
*The information discussed on the Soul Aligned CEO podcast is not medical or financial advice, please always consult your medical and financial professionals.
Soul Aligned CEO
EP14: Kelsey Morgan - Creating Light - Journey Update!
EP14: Kelsey Morgan - Creating Light - Journey Update!
This Episode of Soul Aligned CEO features returning guest Kelsey Morgan – CEO of Creating Light. We welcome back Kelsey, who is a Movement Healer that offers virtual Somatic Activated Healing classes, Small Group longer term Healing Containers and she also has her own podcast “Creating Light with Kelsey”.
She shares with us how in the last 6 weeks she zoned in on her mission for Creating Light and went all in to focus on being the CEO of her business. By committing to her goals, she successfully launches her first online live donation-based classes that will occur every Tuesday evening at 7pm est.
I am so very proud of Kelsey and honored to share her journey. She has an incredible energy and beautiful soul, her passion and knowledge of healing through movement continues to shine.
In this Episode we discuss:
· Kelsey’s new Somatic Activated Healing classes that are live online via zoom every Tuesday night at 7pm est
· How she committed to herself the date she would start and let go of any excuses that could stop her
· She shares what you can expect to experience and how to prepare to take the class
· Why she decided to go with donation based classes to give an offering that everyone can have the opportunity to experience her work
· How it feels to have achieved this goal and what she is working on next
**Note the topics discussed in this episode are not medical advice, always speak with your health care provider**
Kelsey’s Contact Information:
Follow on IG --> @creatinglight_
Mailing List for SAH method classes:
Creating Light With Kelsey (Apple Podcast)
Creating Light (You Tube channel)
Soul Aligned CEO
Follow on IG --> @soul_aligned_ceo
You Tube --> https://youtube.com/@SoulAlignedCEO?si=MNY0fQ2v2zWbcn7G
Jenni (00:00.738)
Hello and welcome to Soul Aligned CEO Podcast, the show that shares the journeys of entrepreneurs from all around the world who have started businesses and they are doing that soul aligned. I'm your host Jenni Morey and on today's episode, I am so excited to welcome back and have our first returning guest.
Jenni (00:30.638)
creating light. Welcome back, Kelsey.
Kelsey Morgan (00:34.084)
Hello, glad to be back.
Jenni (00:36.714)
It's so awesome. So I do just wanna let everybody know because of the topics that we are discussing today, that anything that we do go over is not medical advice and to always consult your own practitioner. So I was listening to our original episode that we did less than six weeks ago. And if those of you who are listening now have not,
heard that one yet. Definitely go back. It's episode eight. So Kelsey was one of the original guests when I first started the podcast. And it was really interesting to listen to your episode because at the very beginning, and I'm quoting you here, you said, when I asked you about your offerings, you said, I am freeing up.
some time to potentially do some classes. So, how is that going?
Kelsey Morgan (01:40.828)
I did it, I followed through. Yeah, first class starts on Tuesday, this coming Tuesday the 7th, and then that is the first date and time period that I'm going to be staying committed to is Tuesday evenings. And then I can build from there.
Jenni (01:41.982)
You did it. Awesome. So what...
Jenni (02:00.03)
Awesome. So let's just make sure everybody, let's make sure everybody hears that again. So it's going to start this coming Tuesday, November 7th.
Kelsey Morgan (02:09.164)
Yes, at 7 p.m. Eastern Standard Time.
Jenni (02:13.274)
Awesome. And these are somatic activated healing online live classes, right?
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Kelsey Morgan (02:20.064)
Yes, and then you'll have a temporary replay link that will be sent out. It won't last too long just because it's donation based and then but you get access to the one the next week so it's not like you're never missing out on stuff.
Jenni (02:35.102)
Awesome. And so people can kind of come in like on an a la carte basis and, you know, take a class one week and then maybe if they miss a week, they can join back in.
Kelsey Morgan (02:46.676)
Yeah, and as long as you're on my email list, you'll always get the Zoom link and invite replay link. So it's up to you on whether you click it and show up or not, but you'll keep getting the access to it as long as you're on my email list.
Jenni (03:01.438)
Awesome. So every Tuesday, 7 p.m. Eastern, Kelsey's brand new Somatic Activated Healing Classes. I am so excited for you. So let's talk a little bit about who these classes are for. And so what types of things would lead people to, you know, wanna try this type of class out.
Kelsey Morgan (03:24.94)
Yeah, this is my just, I mean, it's donation based, but it's essentially this freebie, no commitment, no stress offer. And that's what I really wanted to lock in. So this is just introductory to who I am and how you receive me as a healer. So this is, it's for anyone just curious about connecting more to their body, feeling their feelings.
taking accountability for their internal world, just any kind of curiosity in that way and wanting to experience like energetic shifts. So just this like curiosity of deeper sense of self is that's all you need to like come to the class. Yeah, open mind, do you wanna test out somatic work? Just go to that. You don't have any other commitment and I'll be doing a bunch of different things from there. So.
Jenni (04:09.941)
That's awesome.
Jenni (04:21.774)
I think that's really great and you said something really key. It's like a no stress, no huge commitment. Come and give it a try, you know, and be open to see what's possible. And so maybe if there are people listening now that didn't hear the first episode, share just a little bit about what is somatic activated healing.
Kelsey Morgan (04:33.517)
Kelsey Morgan (04:46.508)
Yes, so it is a modality that combines four and five different healing components. So there's breath work, meditation, mantras, somatic movement, and aesthetic dance. So all of that comes together in a very specific formula creating a segment. And that's what I guide people through every time we do a class, is those five things very intentionally planned out and how I do it.
But the variety gets to expand and how I deliver it as far as like Intensity or maybe one day I really want to focus more on the static part, which means you're freely moving your body Or another day. I'm really want to focus on just the somatic movements, which is the structured moves some days we can focus more on just the breath work and meditating is That does not matter. But that is what we use when we're doing somatic activated healing
Jenni (05:44.434)
Awesome. And so in a way, this is an introduction, you know, to all of these concepts within this modality. So yeah, I think it's really great. So, I mean, like you said, if anyone, you know, maybe you're just looking to try something new and really, you know, we're all kind of in a continual state of, you know, healing and developing and growing. And, you know, maybe if you felt, you know, kind of stuck lately and
Kelsey Morgan (05:52.124)
Thank you.
Jenni (06:11.426)
have some blocked energy, come and shake it out with Kelsey on Tuesday nights.
Kelsey Morgan (06:17.1)
Yes, we all have emotions. So that's the thing too, if you're like, oh, if what I listed earlier, like I don't really know about that. I don't know if it's still for me. If you have emotions, I'm gonna still say this is for you, in which we all have emotions. We all have things that we're feeling and moving through. And this is that it gets that in motion to move it out of your body instead of being stagnant.
Jenni (06:39.874)
That's a really good point. So anything that you're dealing with in your life, whether it's professionally, personally, in your family, if you're feeling and dealing with anything, give this a try. I think you'll be surprised how helpful it really is. I know I'm looking forward to it. I think I was first on your email list. So let's talk a little bit about what...
Kelsey Morgan (07:02.17)
Jenni (07:07.454)
a person could expect when they come to the class just to kind of ease any hesitation that people might have. You know, so you're doing this via Zoom, right? And so when people join into the class, is it like, do they have to have their cameras on? Or can they watch you? Is it kind of like if they feel comfortable, have the camera on? Or what do you suggest?
Kelsey Morgan (07:18.108)
Kelsey Morgan (07:33.7)
love if you had your camera on and it's more so I can see you and witness how you're moving your body and then I can guide you in a ways to move differently or to open you up more but if I can't see that I can't I can't be with you as much as I would want to be but it's also up to your comfortability because if you are like
Jenni (07:40.032)
Kelsey Morgan (07:56.644)
brand new to being this vulnerable and open. I get it and like that is okay and sometimes trust does have to be built for you to be like Kelsey's a new human and this is new and this is a lot and I'm at capacity and I don't want to be seen in this way and that's fine um but no I can like help you deeper because no one else is watching you. They're doing their own thing. I'm gonna tell you right now when I do classes and live classes I don't pay attention to anyone. I'm watching the instructor.
Jenni (08:19.079)
Right, that's a good point.
Kelsey Morgan (08:25.756)
to know how to move. So if that is your worry, no one's looking at you except me.
Jenni (08:32.018)
Okay, and that's a really good point. And I just wanted to, because as people are listening to this and they're like, well, this sounds really cool. I have some stuff I think I could work through, but I'm kind of shy to be on camera. And so it's okay if maybe they sneak in and watch a little bit and maybe experience it and feel comfortable, but then to really get the full experience.
Kelsey Morgan (08:43.13)
Jenni (08:58.538)
you want people to understand to like come prepared, you know, to put your camera on and just be ready, whatever that means for you. And I think it's important to talk about that because in this day and age with everything online versus if you show up to a class, you know, where you're going to a physical building, you of course have appropriate clothes on and you feel good about yourself. And so just want to make sure that everybody understands that.
You'll kind of take everybody through a progression of these different elements and kind of talk a little bit about that.
Kelsey Morgan (09:38.62)
Yeah, first I want to add like more things to be prepared for. Wearing clothes like that you are comfortable in and that you feel secure in and can give you enough mobility. Do that because we are moving. So whatever you feel like you can move in and then have water with you because we're moving body energy. Sometimes there's more intense classes and when we do the breath work it's like fast
Jenni (09:43.587)
Kelsey Morgan (10:07.664)
Breathing through the nose and out through the mouth and that can like dry your throat. So have water and then Don't eat a huge meal right before Do that after but like it's not that y'all you don't have to eat or you have to wait two hours like Wait two hours before you jump into the pool It's not that strict but don't come like absolutely stuffed to class because then you just won't feel comfortable Because we are moving
Jenni (10:21.602)
Got it.
Jenni (10:33.059)
Kelsey Morgan (10:37.608)
stagnant energy in the body. Yeah, like it's gonna, you're not gonna feel as well or present if you're completely full.
Jenni (10:38.446)
Shaking. Yeah.
Jenni (10:46.07)
Right, okay. So that's really helpful actually so that everyone can understand how to prepare for the class. So someone is interested, they're gonna give it a try. They're going to make themselves comfortable and ready to put their camera on so they can get the full experience. And then give just like a sneak peek of, you know, kind of how you would progress through a class. So to kind of ease any fears that someone might have of will I be capable of...
of doing this class. Does that make sense?
Kelsey Morgan (11:18.292)
Yeah, so we, every class we just start with meditation and slow moving and stretching. And then I guide you into the somatic movement part. So it's already starts slow, like every class starts slow and drops you in. And then we do the shake and I will remind you, like everyone has full autonomy. So if I'm going wild and you're like, I can't do that today, I can only like really move my hands like this on the shake. Do that.
And I'll remind you of that too. Um, cause this is not a like dictatorship of just because I'm the leader and healer here that like you have to do absolutely everything I say because you know what's best for your body still.
Jenni (11:47.91)
Jenni (11:53.465)
Jenni (12:01.25)
Got it, that's perfect. And I'm kind of mostly asking for myself to make sure that I'll be okay. All right.
Kelsey Morgan (12:07.616)
Yeah, and from there, like it just gets more intense. So it's like it starts slow, we have a peak, and then we come back down, like, as far as expectation. And the somatic movement and static dance is in the middle. So that's why it's sandwiched like that intentionally to hold a safe container.
Jenni (12:16.546)
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Jenni (12:27.634)
Okay, okay, that's great. And so it's a progression and it's well thought out and guided and you know, safe for anyone that you know, any capability levels like you don't have to be a dancer or yoga teacher or kind of level right?
Kelsey Morgan (12:30.566)
Kelsey Morgan (12:39.383)
Kelsey Morgan (12:43.328)
No, yeah, and that was, I mean, the founder of it, the creator, Sah D'Simone like that's why he has that like formula. It's like you do this and you come up here and then you come back down and you hold people. Like it's, this is his creation and it wasn't just bringing the four or five modalities together. It's very intentional in how you deliver it too. And it's to keep people safe and feel secure.
and it is adaptable for all bodies. Like there's people with chronic pain that are still able to do somatic activated healing. Even if you're sitting down or laying down and just moving where you can, that's enough. And you can do that.
Jenni (13:29.218)
Got it. Okay, perfect. That's really great. So then let's talk about the donation-based payments. And so what does that mean so that people can understand?
Kelsey Morgan (13:41.836)
Yeah, I'll have the link within the emails that are sent out and then I'll put it in the Zoom chat as well. And that's just something that's up to you. If you feel called, you click that form of payment and it'll be, I'll have different things like Venmo, PayPal, Stripe, like whatever, just options to make it easy for people. And you just pay what you can or what you want. And that's why it's again, it adds to that.
Jenni (14:02.699)
Kelsey Morgan (14:10.344)
no stress, no commitment. This is, I'm doing this for like something for myself as a healing practitioner and building that resilience of showing up consistently in this way. And I know it's something that I need to do and I want to do as a healer. And then I want to offer something that's accessible for everyone. And that's the intention behind it. So it's not the like, oh my gosh, you have to pay me because that feels icky.
Jenni (14:12.215)
Kelsey Morgan (14:40.056)
I don't like that. What does that even mean if it's donation-based, but there's this force energy of like, well, you better pay me then. So don't worry about that. I'm showing up because I wanna show up, but yeah, the link will be there in the email. And at the end of each class, I'll like pop it in there in the Zoom chat.
Jenni (14:40.387)
Jenni (14:47.691)
Jenni (15:00.446)
Awesome. Yeah, I think that that's really a beautiful thing that you're offering, because it does take away the stress and then those that are in a place that can contribute for the exchange of energy, then that's a really beautiful and encouraged thing, I think. But everyone can kind of be where they are at.
Kelsey Morgan (15:23.633)
Kelsey Morgan (15:27.512)
Yeah, and especially with this being newer, I want to offer this something where it is this like zero commitment so you can experience it. So then when I'm launching my offerings, because I also still believe people need to get paid for their worth and their gifts, but how are you gonna like know that you really connect with me if I don't also have a free offering available?
Jenni (15:44.843)
Jenni (15:53.45)
Right. It's kind of the entry into the door, you know, and so that's really, really cool. And that comes from a place of service to others also, which is really, really awesome. So I am so excited for you. And I will be there on Tuesday. And so I hope that everyone, you know, signs up. If people have questions, can they reach out to you?
Kelsey Morgan (15:55.705)
Yeah, exactly.
Kelsey Morgan (16:13.296)
Kelsey Morgan (16:19.628)
Yeah, they can find me on Instagram and ask questions in that way. That's probably the best way for any kind of questions.
Jenni (16:27.262)
Okay, awesome. And we'll talk more about that at the end, just how to get in contact with you. So let's talk a little bit about how all this has been for you personally. So like I said at the beginning, a little less than six weeks ago, you originally came on the podcast to talk about what you were putting together. And then you kind of got in motion and did it. And so what has that been like?
Kelsey Morgan (16:57.264)
It was really the zoning in, the zoning in on my mission for creating light. So I had realized like, I mean I am a new entrepreneur and I was doing the things to network myself and put myself out there and I had actually put my hand in a lot of different buckets. But they were different buckets that were kind of supporting other people's mission, but then people would sort of figure out who I was. So that's why, that's where I was like,
the space for my own stuff, for things like this. And that was kind of that shift of, okay, I need to dial in and pull all my energy back to me and make it simple and be consistent. And so people know where to find me and actually experience me and not experience me through someone else's business. Cause I was getting contracted at other yoga studios, to chose classes there.
residential facilities, partnering with someone else business wise and all of that was like you are diluting your capability to fully show up just for creating light. Like if you're a CEO, you need to be strong in your business and have people come to you, not you going to other people.
Jenni (18:19.182)
I love that. So if you're a CEO, you need to be strong in your business. Like that's really powerful. And I've seen the shift in you over the last five or six weeks. And the content that you're posting on Instagram, there's even been a shift in that. So tell people.
Kelsey Morgan (18:39.976)
Mm-hmm. Yeah, so I let go of all of side gigs because I was doing some things for fun too, which is, I mean, great, but I needed to shift the way that I was giving myself joy and not do it through work, do it for fun. And so I let go of a side gig that I was coaching. I was coaching tumbling and cheer, which is something that I genuinely love. And it was on, one of the nights was on Tuesday nights.
Jenni (18:57.014)
Kelsey Morgan (19:07.5)
And my other evening I was doing other work stuff for creating light. I'm like, I don't, I gotta let some stuff go so I can keep doing creating light stuff. And so I quit that job. And that's why I can do my somatic activated healing classes on Tuesday.
Jenni (19:24.294)
That's great. And that's an important realization, I think, for new entrepreneurs is understanding that kind of that tipping point of, maybe you're kind of doing this as a hobby, not really kind of stepping up to that half court line, like fully ready to take the shot, and having the time and the preparation to do it. And then what kept you motivated and
you put this together relatively quickly, from kind of an outsider perspective, but you had that momentum. And so what kept you focused?
Kelsey Morgan (20:08.096)
I mean, if you don't start, it's never gonna get done. And that's what it was. And I still don't quote unquote feel ready as far as back end things go. I feel secure in hosting classes because I've been doing it, but it's the back end of...
Jenni (20:14.315)
Kelsey Morgan (20:26.596)
of the email list getting a different mic for Zoom because you have to have like a headset so I can freely move around but still be connected through Spotify, through Zoom. You hear me, you hear the music. There's whole technical stuff that goes on. And that's where I wasn't feeling ready or all this list was piling up and feeling like I needed more time. But if I kept...
Jenni (20:50.606)
Kelsey Morgan (20:51.888)
telling myself that and pushing it off and not setting a date then yeah it was just not gonna get done. And so I set a date for November 7th. I don't have my mic yet. That doesn't matter. I have this little dinky one but I was getting a better one and that's coming in the mail. My email list, the funnels aren't set up but I have the email list. There's other things that aren't like done but it's gonna get done because I'm showing up
Tuesday and consistently and I don't care if it's not perfect on Tuesday because then it's just going to get better and because I'm already going to be there, the action's already in place of what I need of it all getting sorted out. And I just have to not worry about that and let it be messy for the first few weeks and then it's going to be okay because you're figuring out what continuously needs to be done.
Jenni (21:37.272)
Jenni (21:49.43)
And I have a hunch it'll kind of all fall into place, you know, because you've let go of the control over it. And so it'll all kind of come to be exactly how and when it's supposed to be. And so releasing that control and not letting it stop you, you know, from moving forward. I think that's.
Kelsey Morgan (21:52.983)
Kelsey Morgan (22:12.12)
Yeah, I think the main thing was that I set a date, even though I didn't have everything prepared yet.
Jenni (22:20.414)
Okay, that's a really good takeaway. So for people listening who maybe are kind of in a similar situation than that you were, you know, two months ago, you have an idea, you have something that you want to put out there, set a date, and then you work towards that date. And that's, that's really, that's what you did. Yeah.
Kelsey Morgan (22:41.431)
Kelsey Morgan (22:44.728)
Yeah, and I'm not even happy about the current living situation that I'm at as far as being here to host classes And I wanted that was another excuse of well I need to wait until I move to host classes because it'll be a bigger space. It'll be my own space and That is the energetic match that I want to be so I can't start until i'm physically there And if you have that mentality, you're never going to start anything like you literally have to start with where you are
and what you have, and by doing all of that, I now have a place. That's not happening until December, but the move-in date is December 4th, so I'm only hosting a few classes, then I'll be in the environment that I want to be in. So it's not that big of a deal.
Jenni (23:30.09)
Right. And someone probably needs you next week. It's like someone will show up to the class next week that really needed it. And so it's just very amazing. I'm so proud of you for showing up and believing in yourself and not looking back, like looking forward and staying focused. And so what are you most proud of?
Kelsey Morgan (23:33.548)
Kelsey Morgan (23:55.524)
think of just continuously hitting, like there's no other option. Cause I was really good at that with my healing journey and emotional development and like clearing out darkness of when I hit moments of hopelessness of, oh, is this even worth it? Like, I don't know if I can continue how much more density is left in my body cause I'm over it.
But then I hit the like there's no other option like what's the alternative if I were to stop and I've that has been pretty solid in my healing journey in that way and that It's the same muscle, but it's different when you're an entrepreneur like it's slightly It's just slightly different and so that felt more developed because I could feel myself teetering and lagging and procrastinating in ways that like I wouldn't on
the healing journey, but I was as a new entrepreneur. And then I just last week or so is when I felt that of like, there's no other option. Like it's creating light or nothing.
Jenni (25:02.202)
That's a pretty powerful statement. And so, yeah, but you put yourself in check almost. And, you know, I think that's a good analogy also, like it's a muscle and having the awareness to recognize, you know, maybe when you're not working that out, as much as you know, you're capable of. Do you know what I mean? I mean, it's kind of like, if you go out for a run and you kind of run a mile or two, but you know, you could run for. You know, like
Kelsey Morgan (25:03.897)
Kelsey Morgan (25:08.238)
Kelsey Morgan (25:22.89)
Kelsey Morgan (25:29.222)
Jenni (25:31.01)
just go for it. You know, so this is really fantastic, Kelsey. And so I am again, so excited for these classes. So let's just remind everybody again, how do they get into the classes?
Kelsey Morgan (25:32.122)
Kelsey Morgan (25:47.536)
So you have to be on my email list. So you just subscribe to that. The link to do that is in my bio on Instagram at Creating Light. And once you're on my email list, you'll get the notifications every week of like, hey, class is starting. Hey, here's your replay link.
Jenni (26:04.166)
Awesome. And it's donation based. People can show up and experience what it's like to work with you and really get an introduction into somatic activated healing. That's awesome. And so after that, what do you have kind of in the works to just give people a sneak peek?
Kelsey Morgan (26:27.064)
Yeah, so this was another simplicity, because there's just all these creative ideas, and what could I do? What could I make? But that is another way of overextending yourself. And so I just zoned in on the donation-based classes, and then my eight-month healing container, which will be starting in January. So those are the only two offerings I have available right now, and then from there, I'll create other
Classes or courses that are shorter because eight month is a big commitment, but that's something that's like that's my baby That's my life's work that I've been working on actually for four years now, and I've guided people through it individually But now it's shifted into the course mechanism and hosting a group instead
Jenni (27:16.43)
got it. And that's really important to let people know about because as they start to take your donation based classes, that's good for people to know that, hey, if they want to invest more and to really commit more, that you are going to have this other option. And so that's really fantastic.
Kelsey Morgan (27:35.252)
Mm-hmm and that's gonna be tailored to them and to their energetic makeup and their healing journey through That container because the donation based is me just intuitively tapping in and creating something It's more open because it's just it's an introductory. It's a taste of what this is But the healing containers a healing container for a reason like it's for you and I'm
will be very intentional and specific on how I make the classes. But you'll also be doing expressive art, journaling and dream documentation.
Jenni (28:13.47)
Awesome. So more to come on that. We will have you back for sure to let people know about that offering. So people can find you on Instagram at creating light underscore. Is that right? All right. And then you have a link tree or link in your bio.
Kelsey Morgan (28:14.63)
Kelsey Morgan (28:26.689)
Mm-hmm. Yes.
Yes. Yeah. Yep. And that link tree is the first one. It says virtual donation based classes. You click that and then that's how you subscribe to the email list.
Jenni (28:41.522)
Awesome. So I look forward to joining in next Tuesday and I hope to see many familiar and new faces at the first class and really just congratulations.
Kelsey Morgan (28:54.756)
Thank you. One other thing I'd like to add. I had a OG client the other last night. I'm closing out with all my OGs. That's another way I'm honing in on my energy and letting go of individual clients that I've had for years to make more space for this. But he gave me the idea, which I'll implement after I move because I'll have more energetic availability for that of doing more than just the one a week. So right now it is the Tuesdays.
Jenni (28:57.588)
Kelsey Morgan (29:23.212)
at 7 p.m. Eastern Standard Time, but then I'll be looking to create another time to do it like in the afternoon to make it more accessible because I do have people that are all over the world, like people in Hawaii and Australia that I'm in connection with, it's a six hour difference. So they need something that's like in the afternoon so they could show up in the morning, so things like that.
Jenni (29:41.57)
Jenni (29:46.534)
Awesome. So coming soon even more class times to choose from. So that's really great. All right. Is there anything else that you wanted to share? Yeah, well, I am really excited for you. And like we've mentioned a million times come join us November 7th next this coming Tuesday. I keep thinking it's crazy that it's the you have just
Kelsey Morgan (29:49.212)
Mm-hmm. Yes. Yeah, different times. Yeah.
Kelsey Morgan (29:58.252)
I think that's it.
Kelsey Morgan (30:10.915)
Jenni (30:13.39)
created and gotten into motion and have executed. And I'm really excited. And so everyone come and join us, explore Somatic Activated Healing, check out what Kelsey has to offer and see if it's something that works for you. So thank you so much for being here. Yeah, of course. And I really just want everyone to know that's listening.
Kelsey Morgan (30:34.18)
Thank you for having me again.
Jenni (30:40.39)
why it's so important to me to follow these stories like Kelsey, you know, the original podcast guests, you know, really came together very intentionally. And I want to share these journeys. It's very purposeful to show everybody what's possible. And so I really appreciate you and I appreciate what you have.
brought to what I'm doing because it's kind of a mutual exchange. And so thank you for that.
Kelsey Morgan (31:12.42)
Yeah, thank you. You're doing big things with all of this, so I see that.
Jenni (31:16.874)
Yeah, well, I just want to thank everyone for listening. I hope that this has been informative and you have gained some insight and possibly even some inspiration. And until the next episode, I wish you much joy, peace and love as you pursue being soul aligned.