Soul Aligned CEO
Sharing the stories, tips and journeys of entrepreneurs who entered into the business world pursuing their passions fearlessly soul aligned.
Inspiration to start your own business with steps, insights and also how to have fun following your dreams!
How to tune into your intuition and inner guidance to help you succeed!
*The information discussed on the Soul Aligned CEO podcast is not medical or financial advice, please always consult your medical and financial professionals.
Soul Aligned CEO
EP15: Heather Squicciarini - Sunshine for the Soul
EP15: Heather Squicciarini – Sound Healer
This Episode of Soul Aligned CEO features Heather Squicciarini – CEO of Sunshine for the Soul, LLC.
Heather is a Sound Healer, Reiki practitioner, and Akashic Records reader. She was trained in Sound Healing at The Sound Healers Academy (TSHA). She offers group Sound Baths which she leads once a month locally in NJ and also online monthly via zoom. She is also available for private and corporate sessions.
Heather is a beautiful soul who is so talented and passionate about the work she does. I am excited for you all to experience the magic of Sound Healing!
In this Episode we discuss:
· Heathers journey of being raised in a family business, raising 4 children and also a professional career, to then exploring different paths and realizing there was something more for her
· We will talk about her own transformation, how she found Sound Healing and how it impacted her
· How she decided to start a business and what Sound Healing can help people with
· Heather is going to share with us at the end a sample of Sound Healing that we can all experience
**Note the topics discussed in this episode are not medical advice, always speak with your health care provider**
Heather’s Contact Information:
Follow on IG: https://www.instagram.com/sunshineforthesoul7/
Website: www.sunshineforthesoul.co
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Sunshineforthesoullc/
***Offering for podcast listeners: Code for discount on one online sound bath: “halfoff” (code all lower case)
Soul Aligned CEO
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Jenni (00:01.061)
Hello and welcome to Soul Aligned CEO Podcast, the show that shares the journeys of entrepreneurs from all around the world who have started businesses and they are doing that soul aligned. I'm your host Jenni Morey and on today's episode, I am so excited to welcome Heather. She is the CEO of Sunshine for the Soul. Welcome Heather.
Heather Squicciarini (00:28.686)
Thank you so much, Jenni. I'm super excited to be here with you today.
Jenni (00:34.001)
So before we dive into your journey, could you share a little bit about what your current offerings are?
Heather Squicciarini (00:41.294)
Sure, I would love to share that. I offer group sound baths, which I do in person once a month locally. And then I also offer sound baths online, which we do it over Zoom. And then I also have available for private sessions for groups or businesses. Yeah.
Jenni (01:02.549)
Oh, wow. That's fantastic. So we'll talk more all about that in the show today. So we're also going to discuss Heather's journey. So she grew up in a family business. She raised four children and she's also had a professional career. And so we're going to understand kind of where she started and then what led her to explore some new possibilities.
then her journey with sound bath music and really what got her interested in that and how it helped her, and then how she decided to start a business and use this to help other people. And then I'm so excited because at the end, Heather is actually going to give us a really brief sound bath experience that we can all listen into and participate.
So I do just wanna say because of the nature of the topics that we are discussing that nothing is medical advice. So always make sure to speak with your own practitioner. All right, so let's start with your journey. So like I mentioned briefly, you grew up in a family business, you've raised children, you've had a career, you've done so many things. So tell us a little bit about all of that.
Heather Squicciarini (02:25.71)
Sure. I was the youngest of four children and we were raised in a family business. It was a landscaping and florist business. And business in that home, business was first, family was second. And I was the youngest one. So I always felt left out or not enough. So when I said, when I have my children, I want to make sure that they're all close and, and just let them all, each one of them know that.
they are enough. So as I raised my four children, they are now in their twenties and I'm so proud of their closeness. And I'm, yeah, that's, then I was doing, I always worked from home as a bookkeeper for small businesses. And I had also worked for my family business on top of that. And then when my oldest went to college, I decided to go out into the workforce. And then I started.
working in the local schools.
Jenni (03:27.385)
Oh, wow. So that's quite an extensive background that you have had. So then what was the turning point that really kind of motivated you to explore other things?
Heather Squicciarini (03:42.67)
When I was working in the school, I did feel like there was something inside of me saying, Heather, you're made for so much more. And then at that time, I had a diagnosis of DCIS, which is I needed a lumpectomy. And also at that time, my daughter was 15. She was diagnosed with a medical condition that was just, just threw us all for a loop. So I knew that.
somebody was trying to get my attention. And that is when I started looking into Louise Hay and how to heal your life. And then I realized that there's more to this life that I'm on this new journey.
Jenni (04:24.681)
Oh, wow. So you kind of felt some sort of like inner nudge or like something pushing you.
Heather Squicciarini (04:32.382)
Yes, and I couldn't, I didn't know what it was, but it was very unsettling inside of me. It's almost like this little voice and just like pushing me and pushing me.
Jenni (04:41.945)
Yeah, and I think a lot of people feel that at different points in their life, but then they kind of they don't pay attention to it. And so, yeah, and so you paid attention to it and then it led you down a path of exploring, you know, different modalities. How did you come across sound healing?
Heather Squicciarini (04:49.36)
Right, you ignore it.
Heather Squicciarini (05:03.134)
Well, I was at a point in my life where I feel like my kids were on the right path and they were getting older. And I felt like I needed something for me. I was in a job because I needed the benefits for my daughter and our family. But I felt like I wanted to do a side business. I felt like there's something out there that's purposeful for me. I just didn't know what. And so I was online searching and sound bowls came up.
And I was looking at different ones. There was Tibetan ones and then alchemy crystal ones. And I was trying to find a school locally where I could learn. And then the Soundgallers Academy at LA caught my attention. And that's where it all began for me. From there, I learned Reiki, Reiki 2. I was math, then I'm up to a master now, but, and then I also did the Akashic records. I just could not get enough. Like I...
Whenever I would talk about these things, it would bring me to life.
Jenni (06:05.877)
Oh wow, yeah, you can feel it. Like you can feel the passion that you have just speaking about learning about it. And so this nudge kind of pushed you all the way to California to take some classes. That's incredible.
Heather Squicciarini (06:12.766)
Yeah, yeah. Yes, I actually went out there as my two boys live out in LA. So when I went to go visit them, there was a woman who we needed alchemy crystal bowls for the Sam Gellar's Academy. So I found myself in a woman's house. I did not know her, never met her. And I'm sitting in LA in her beautiful home, picking out crystal bowls during a cacao.
having Kakao together. And it was just an experience that she wanted to know, oh, so what brought you here? I was like, I don't know. There's just something inside of me that guided me to her. And she picked the perfect bulls for me intuitively.
Jenni (07:01.541)
That's really beautiful, Heather, because that is, it's magical. I mean, I got chills, like when you were just saying that now. So then how was your experience when you were first learning all of the different techniques with the sound bowls?
Heather Squicciarini (07:16.83)
Here, it's very interesting. It was a little struggle going on inside of me because here I'm like, oh, I'm gonna do a business of these pretty bowls and I'll get to play them for people. But it was more of a journey when I was in the Sound Healers Academy because it is so much more when you play these bowls, you're playing them intuitively from your heart. So this taught the academy made us dig deep with journal prompts and we were put in groups.
And it made me go into those dark places with inside of me that I did not wanna see. Like if we've had a perform in public and I was always so shy and figured no one ever wanted to hear what I had to say. So I would have a meltdown when I had to do a little performance and they'd be like, Heather, why can't you do this? Or why? And then I'm like, I don't feel.
Jenni (08:07.859)
But you push through that. Yeah.
Heather Squicciarini (08:12.198)
I did, I did. I was like, I can do this. One thing with me is when I make a commitment, I stick to it, that I have to say.
Jenni (08:20.681)
Yeah, you seem very dedicated to what you're pursuing and to have that passion and stay consistent. That's a very noteworthy trait and so that's great. So...
Heather Squicciarini (08:33.271)
Yeah, well my whole life I always kept myself small and I said I'm not going to do that anymore at my age. I raised kids. It's time for me to shine my light.
Jenni (08:37.679)
Jenni (08:45.141)
That's amazing. I'm so proud of you because more people need to kind of tap into that. And so that's part of the reason why I'm doing this podcast is to really share stories like yours so that we can inspire other people. So that's just really incredible. So let's share with everybody a little bit about
the sound bowls. And so for those of you that are listening on audio platforms, you know, you're more than welcome to check out the podcast on YouTube because we have a beautiful display right now of Heather's bowls. And so if you could walk us through kind of what each one is and kind of describe it a little bit for the audio listeners.
Heather Squicciarini (09:28.526)
I have my three alchemy crystal bowls here and they are major chord. So this bowl here is my sage aura gold and that is known as the master healer that works where it connects our heart, our third eye and our crown chakra. Then I have my pink aura gold bowl here and that works with our third eye chakra and that carries the
energies of Mary Magdalene with compassion and love. And my bowl here, I'm not sure if you can see this one, is my triple alchemy bowl. And that carry, that's pink aura, pink aura gold, sage aura and acetylite. And this connects us with our heart. Now all of these bowls are made out of clear quartz crystal and they are infused with precious gemstones and earthly elements.
Jenni (10:01.965)
Yep, see that.
Jenni (10:13.963)
Oh wow.
Heather Squicciarini (10:22.05)
that bring different vibrations into the sound bath experience.
Jenni (10:26.597)
Okay. And so then are there different techniques that you use to play them to generate different sounds?
Heather Squicciarini (10:34.15)
Yes, I chime the bowl when we chime it. I'll just show you like that. Wait, I chime it like that. That activates the energy of the room. And yes, and it also clears. And then when I swirl it to the right, that brings in the energy. And then when I counterclockwise that releases energy that we don't need.
Jenni (10:45.282)
I see.
Jenni (10:48.838)
Jenni (11:00.921)
Wow, they're beautiful. And so you mentioned that, you know, you kind of intuitively were drawn to these specific bowls, right? That their energy really resonated with you. I feel like when I, and we've talked a few times, when I'm looking at all your bowls, that center one, the rose quartz one, is that the one in the center? Like, yeah, that one is just really extra beautiful. They're all beautiful. And so.
Heather Squicciarini (11:09.535)
Heather Squicciarini (11:21.642)
Rose aura. Yeah.
Jenni (11:28.721)
Thank you for sharing about that. And so as you learned how to play these, what was that experience like for you?
Heather Squicciarini (11:30.498)
Oh, poor.
Heather Squicciarini (11:38.374)
Well, at first it was because they're so powerful. They just make my heart, I had a closed heart. That's why I was drawn to these bowls. This is called the unconditional love set. And this bowl here is for grounding. And a lot of times I'm an over thinker and always thinking of the future and it's not staying present. So when I play these bowls, especially this one, it helps me ground.
Jenni (12:04.041)
I see. So let's talk a little bit then about what someone would experience when they come to one of your sound baths. And let's focus on the online experience.
Heather Squicciarini (12:16.29)
Sure. Okay. Well, they would receive a Zoom link. I do it through a vent, right? And they'd have a Zoom link. And I also always suggest you have a quiet room in your house where you'll be undisturbed for an hour. And then it's always nice to have an eye mask or headphones. And then you're just gonna show up and receive the different vibrations. So it's...
Jenni (12:40.163)
Heather Squicciarini (12:41.798)
Yeah, it actually changes your brainwave state into deep relaxation and meditation, the vibrations from the bowls.
Jenni (12:51.201)
Wow. So then someone shows up and so then you have a certain progression of things that you take them through? Like, do you start the session a certain way?
Heather Squicciarini (13:03.062)
Yeah, I usually introduce myself and I describe the bowls, if they're not a repeat. And then I will chime my bowls, which is clearing and activating, and do a little meditation. And then once I take them through the meditation, it'll just go into pure healing sounds.
Jenni (13:25.321)
I see. So share a little bit more about those meditations. When you and I had spoken previously, you had told me how you kind of download those in to you and you kind of very creatively put that together.
Heather Squicciarini (13:39.998)
Yes, once you sign up on Eventbrite, I get an email and I write the person's name and I have an intention, whether it that sound bad, is for love, expansion, or transformation, and I'll put the person's name right on top of that. And using the Akashic Records and Reiki, I start sending energy to them as soon as they sign up for it.
Jenni (14:07.397)
That's really incredible. That's beautiful actually. So I signed up last week. So that's, I have felt really like nice the last few days too. So that's really interesting. So that's a really, you know, kind of intimate and special experience there that you're offering. And so, you know, then on the day of the sound bath like you said, they just, there's nothing that they have to do.
Heather Squicciarini (14:12.51)
Yes, you're already starting to receive. Yeah.
Jenni (14:32.793)
They just come and listen and receive. I think that's beautiful.
Heather Squicciarini (14:37.726)
Right, just to be open-minded and just to receive, that's it.
Jenni (14:43.393)
Yeah. So talk a little bit about some of the benefits of the sound bath.
Heather Squicciarini (14:49.07)
Of course. Well, I find this especially beneficial for people who can find problems sleeping or anxious or just stressed out because the bowls work with sound vibration and it works with our parasympathetic nervous system, which is when that's when we're in rest and digest in a meditative state.
So what it does, it's like entrainment. When you walk into a room and you can feel the energy of somebody who's like grouchy, it comes to you and entrains you and you find yourself grouchy. Well, it's the same thing when the participants of a sound bath, they're receiving the vibrations are being recalibrated by my bowls into a deep meditative healing state.
Jenni (15:38.784)
I see.
Jenni (15:43.353)
So I was going to ask you also then, so that's how this can work online. Like you don't have to necessarily be in person because that sound and that energy can transmit online.
Heather Squicciarini (15:54.606)
Absolutely, energy work can be, I know people always think it has to be in person, but that's not how energy works, setting the intention and the energy moves through Zoom just as much as it would in person.
Jenni (16:07.689)
Yeah, definitely. So what's your favorite part about leading the sessions?
Heather Squicciarini (16:13.434)
I love hearing how people feel afterwards. Yeah. I especially love the one time I had a deaf woman join our sound bath and she was unsure if she would be able to feel the anything. So she had come and that day I did a meditation on inner child healing and she was getting visions of her childhood. So just to show you that the vibration does work.
Jenni (16:18.094)
Jenni (16:39.179)
Oh wow.
Jenni (16:43.505)
That's very powerful. And what are the frequencies that are being sent?
Heather Squicciarini (16:45.324)
I, yeah, 528 Hertz and that is DNA repair, unconditional love, miracles.
Jenni (16:57.593)
All the good stuff. That's incredible. So it's just such a magical experience that I'm looking forward to experiencing it with you. I've actually never done a sound bath before and so I'm really looking forward to it.
Heather Squicciarini (16:58.63)
Jenni (17:16.601)
So let's shift gears for a second before we do the demonstration and just talk a little bit about the business aspects of this for you. And so, you know, how has it been like starting this business and kind of experiencing yourself as an entrepreneur?
Heather Squicciarini (17:34.282)
Well, it definitely has its moments of being challenged and it also taps into your insecurities, you know, just thinking, oh, growing up, I always worried what people thought of me. And so here I am putting myself out there and to help me along, I actually had like a birth chart reading to help me to see what my gifts were. And it was to reach groups of people and to help.
them heal. So when I started to do this, whenever I have rough days, I just remember my why what is my purpose. And then when I do it, I have such passion whenever I talk about it. So I know what this is where I'm supposed to be. But we're all going to have days where like, you just you have it and you're like, I give up, then the next day, I'm just like right back at it.
Jenni (18:25.569)
I love that. So whenever you're having a rough day, remember your why. That's a really great thing to remember. Thank you for sharing that. So then, you know, it's got to be very fulfilling, as you mentioned, you know, to see people experience, you know, the beautiful healing that you offer.
Heather Squicciarini (18:30.655)
Heather Squicciarini (18:35.982)
Jenni (18:48.981)
I, you know, I, like I said, I just am so interested in this modality. And so I'm really happy that I had you here today. Let's make sure everybody knows how they can get in touch with you and how they can sign up for your sound bath.
Heather Squicciarini (19:05.55)
Sure. Monthly sound baths are on Eventbrite. So you just go to Eventbrite.com and you can, it's Sunshine for the Soul or you could just type in sound bath with Heather and guided meditation. I'm also on my Instagram, it's Sunshineforthesoul7 and I have all my links right on there.
Jenni (19:26.725)
That's great. And so what does sunshine for the soul? What does that mean to you, your business name?
Heather Squicciarini (19:33.086)
When I came up with that name, I just was like, Oh my goodness, I have so much. I had the shining of light in the dark places of my soul. And that's what, and that was shown to me. And I wanted to bring sunshine to other people's souls and light them up.
Jenni (19:50.513)
Ah, I see, that's beautiful. So let's just make sure everyone heard how they can get in contact with you. So they have Instagram, they can go to Sunshine for the Soul and I'll put all of this in the show notes. And then you do online and then also you do local experiences in New Jersey. Okay, and that's all through Eventbrite also? Okay.
Heather Squicciarini (20:10.41)
Yes, I do. New Jersey.
Correct. I also have a website as well, but.
Jenni (20:17.737)
Okay, and we'll put all that information to you in the show notes. And then you have so generously offered the listeners of the podcast a promotion for your online.
Heather Squicciarini (20:29.662)
Yes, anybody who would love to attend my online sound bath, they will receive half off just for listening to this podcast today.
Jenni (20:38.437)
Well, thank you for that. I really appreciate that. So we'll put that promo information also in the notes. Well, I really appreciate you taking the time to join me today. We are going to end this episode with Heather really giving us a sound bath experience.
Jenni (00:01.864)
Alright, so now Heather, I will hand it over to you so that you can lead us through the sound bath experience.
Heather Squicciarini (00:14.39)
Okay, let's close your eyes and relax into your normal breath. Release anything that is not serving you and bring awareness inside the body and mentally begin to relax.
Heather Squicciarini (00:42.542)
Take a deep breath in.
Heather Squicciarini (00:48.342)
your heart center.
Heather Squicciarini (00:53.334)
Feel yourself become light.
so light that your feet leave the ground and rise above into the pale blue sky filled with fluffy pink clouds.
Heather Squicciarini (01:16.718)
Breathe and feel yourself gently floating up into this soft pink sky.
Heather Squicciarini (01:29.475)
seeing yourself on top of the clouds.
Heather Squicciarini (01:37.058)
The sky up here is pale blue and the clouds themselves have a pinkish glow, like they're made of cotton candy.
Heather Squicciarini (01:51.886)
There is a rose colored light shining on everything here. Float down into the clouds and run your hands through them and let them float all around you.
Heather Squicciarini (02:12.91)
Breathe in and out.
Using the breath, take in the soft pink influence of this heavenly place. Feel yourself enveloped.
in softness, in love, here at the heart of things.
Heather Squicciarini (02:45.922)
As you continue to breathe in, open yourself up to the healing and help from the spiritual world.
Heather Squicciarini (03:10.09)
Heather Squicciarini (04:10.115)
Heather Squicciarini (04:49.678)
Bring your attention back to your breath and become aware of your body. And when you're ready, open your eyes.
Jenni (05:02.364)
Wow, that's beautiful. Thank you. You do kind of almost leave your body. I don't know quite how to explain it because it wasn't until you said that, that I said to myself, okay, now I need to come back. So that was really an incredible experience. Thank you so much for sharing that for the audience.
Heather Squicciarini (05:11.467)
Heather Squicciarini (05:16.327)
Yes, I figure it.
Heather Squicciarini (05:23.858)
Yeah, thank you for having me. It was my pleasure.
Jenni (05:26.852)
Yes, and so I just want to make sure that everyone knows how to get in contact with you again. And so they can find you on Instagram at Sunshine for the Soul. And you also have events on Eventbrite each month. You have online and in person. Could you share your December dates that you have?
Heather Squicciarini (05:49.258)
Sure, in person in New Jersey I have December 9th at 12 o'clock to 1 and then December 10th I have it online from 1 pm to 2 pm Eastern Standard Time.
Jenni (06:02.801)
Perfect. Yes, thanks for adding that in there. So yes, definitely everyone, you know, if you are in the New Jersey area, you can go and see her in person and then everyone else. I definitely encourage you to give it a try and to experience this beautiful healing magic of sound bath.
So thank you again for being here, and I just wanna thank everyone for listening. I hope that you found this episode informative and interesting and maybe even inspiring. And until next time, I wish you much peace, love and joy as you pursue being soul aligned.