Soul Aligned CEO
Sharing the stories, tips and journeys of entrepreneurs who entered into the business world pursuing their passions fearlessly soul aligned.
Inspiration to start your own business with steps, insights and also how to have fun following your dreams!
How to tune into your intuition and inner guidance to help you succeed!
*The information discussed on the Soul Aligned CEO podcast is not medical or financial advice, please always consult your medical and financial professionals.
Soul Aligned CEO
EP17: Maura Eliza - Traditional Naturopath
This Episode of Soul Aligned CEO features Maura Eliza – CEO of Flex Health with Maura.
Maura is a Traditional Naturopath. Her passion is to help you understand your body better so you can have flexible health and feel great! She specializes in helping you achieve your best health, naturally.
Maura is such a kind and nurturing soul, she has a love for helping people simplify complex routines and teaching how the body can do its own healing. Her knowledge and heart shine through!
In this Episode we discuss:
· Maura’s background of: Starting out as a music therapist and then beginning her entrepreneurship journey by creating an agency offering music therapy for childbirth. After closing that business, she worked as an apprentice with a Naturopath which led to formal training as a Naturopath and starting her own practice.
· We talk about her own journey of experiencing Exhaustion, Burnout and Overwhelm and how she realized it was Adrenal Fatigue and worked to get to the root cause of it.
· We discuss the basics of Adrenal Fatigue: What are your Adrenals and How Stress Impacts their Function.
· Maura shares with us the most common mistakes that are made when trying to increase Energy levels and the 3 key pillars to truly get at the root of Exhaustion.
**Note the topics discussed in this episode are not medical advice, always speak with your health care provider**
Maura’s Contact Information:
Follow on IG: @flex.health.with.maura https://www.instagram.com/flex.health.with.maura/
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Soul Aligned CEO
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