Soul Aligned CEO
Sharing the stories, tips and journeys of entrepreneurs who entered into the business world pursuing their passions fearlessly soul aligned.
Inspiration to start your own business with steps, insights and also how to have fun following your dreams!
How to tune into your intuition and inner guidance to help you succeed!
*The information discussed on the Soul Aligned CEO podcast is not medical or financial advice, please always consult your medical and financial professionals.
Soul Aligned CEO
EP18: Recap & Reflection on 2023 - Season 1
In this Episode of Soul Aligned CEO I am reflecting on the last 5 months since I started this podcast.
First, I want to express gratitude. Second, I want to reflect a little bit on not only this past year, but life in general. Finally, I'd like to share with you a little bit about what's coming next for the podcast and the community.
In this episode I share:
· My deepest gratitude and appreciation for each of the 9 entrepreneurs who were a guest on season 1 – they all have a very special place in my heart, and I am so very proud of each of them
· My reflections on this journey, specifically being a soul-led entrepreneur and why that is so important
· What is next for Soul Aligned CEO podcast and our community of entrepreneurs
Soul Aligned CEO
Follow on IG --> @soul_aligned_ceo
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Check out and support the pages of the original 9 guests on the podcast Season 1 - they offer services and products that are gifts to the world!
@theembodiedastrologer - for soul led astrological readings, birth chart, transit, solar return, astrocartography, soul insights and guidance.
@psychiclovehealingla - for personalized mediumship, psychic, past lives, aura cleansing, relationship readings. (🎙EP3)
@marketamagyarova - for guidance, life coaching and a course to regulate stress “Stress Less” available now!(🎙EP6)
@creatinglight_ - for somatic activated healing classes every Tuesday night at 7pm est.
Her new bundle “Leap of Faith” is available now!
(🎙EP8 & EP14)
@katiesdesignstudio - for beautiful artwork, journals and mandalas that are unique holiday gifts.
@natalietaylorenergyhealing - for personalized energy healing to release blockages and stress for you and your pets. (🎙EP11)
@sunshineforthesoul7 - for beautiful sound bath healing sessions live in NJ and online. January events: Jan 13 in NJ, Jan 14 zoom
@jensfusioncoaching for integrative nutrition and fusion health coaching. Her new program “Head Above Water” launches in January! (🎙EP16)
@flex.health.with.maura for Traditional Naturopath services, her program and community “The Vibrant Way” is available now!
I Believe Together we make a difference, Together we can move Mountains.
Jenni (00:00.706)
Hello and welcome to Soul Aligned CEO Podcast, the show that shares the journeys of entrepreneurs from all around the world who have started businesses, and they are doing that soul aligned. I'm your host Jenni Morey and on today's episode, it is a solo episode with myself. I would like to share a few things in this episode.
First, I want to express some gratitude. Second, I want to reflect a little bit on not only this past year, but just life in general. And third, I'd like to share with you a little bit about what's coming next for the podcast and the community. So welcome. Gratitude. Now, for those of you who have followed the podcast from the beginning. It's been a little bit of a whirlwind the last five months starting this podcast, getting it to a place where I felt really good about the content and what I was publishing. It has been such a rewarding experience for me. I have learned so much and I am so very grateful for everyone that's listened, everyone that's shared,
liked, commented, rated, reviewed. I read all of it and it really means so very much to me. So thank you. I'd like to take a moment and specifically thank the nine guests that I very lovingly referred to as my kind of original guests. They really took a leap of faith by coming onto this, seemingly new podcast that had very little exposure and just had a host that really truly had a heart that believed in what was possible and believed in sharing their stories. So I'd like to take a moment and just touch on each one of these extraordinary souls.
First, we have Yvonne Irene and she is The Embodied Astrologer and Yvonne offers
Jenni (02:26.226)
such beautiful insight into your astrological birth chart. She does birth chart readings, solar return readings, soul purpose guidance, astro cartography. She really can help you take a look a little bit deeper into your birth chart and really reflect and really use that to help guide you.
I really want to thank Yvonne because she was the very first guest episode. And so she really helped me to work out a lot of the kinks and figure out the format and helped me to feel comfortable that I was doing the right thing by starting this podcast. So thank you, Yvonne.
Next is Cheryl Lee Scott. She is Psychic Love Healing LA. And Cheryl has an extraordinary gift that she's able to tap in and really receive guidance from another realm, really. If you are looking for mediumship, psychic, aura cleansing, relationship readings, Cheryl's really able to tap into you and your energy at a level that I've never experienced before. And she's able to offer you healing and guidance and insight that is so incredibly valuable and beautiful.
Next is Marketa Magyarova. And she has had an extraordinary journey and she has turned what she has learned into helping others on their journeys, and very specifically looking at some of the basic things that we're dealing with on a day-to-day basis. And Marketta has a beautiful program that helps you to stress less, which I think we all could use a little bit. So I definitely recommend checking out her program and what she offers.
Jenni (04:48.378)
Next is Kelsey Morgan, and Kelsey is Creating Light. Now Kelsey is a healer, somatic activating healing is what she specializes in, along with expressive art and dream interpretation and journaling. Kelsey has also taken her journey and her life's work and really put that into so many different beautiful offerings. Kelsey offers weekly somatic activated healing classes. Right now they're Tuesday nights at 7 p.m. Eastern. She also has a bundle where you can experience some guidance and several sessions of her somatic activated healing together.
And then recently she has launched a container that is an eight-month healing container that begins in January that if you're looking for more soul Lead healing. I definitely recommend checking that out.
Next, we have Katie Johnson, and she is an abstract artist And Katie designs such beautiful artwork um for journals mandalas.
all types of modalities and her art is so beautiful and joyful and expressive and it's really perfect for any sort of gift giving. She has her art on many different things and so if you are looking to get a very unique gift at any time of the year, I highly suggest checking out Katie's work and she is at Katie's Design Studio.
Next we have Natalie Taylor and Natalie Taylor does personalized energy healing and she works with releasing blockages and stress and she can do this not only for you but she can also do this for your pets and it's such an extraordinary experience. I had a healing from Natalie to really work through some blockages.
Jenni (07:14.05)
that I was feeling that really were showing up physically in my neck and like shoulder area. And it was astounding to me what was possible in an online session. So I definitely suggest you check out Natalie if you want some focused and targeted healing for any blockages.
Next, we have Heather Ella, and she does beautiful sound bath sessions. She does these healing sessions live in person in New Jersey. And she also does monthly sessions online over Zoom, which are so beautiful. She plays her sound bowls and other sound instruments and really takes you on a meditative and healing journey. And Heather
so much love and healing into her sessions. I highly suggest you check out her and she is Sunshine for the Soul.
Next is Jennifer Penfield and Jennifer is an integrative nutrition and fusion health coach. She has such extraordinary insight on how you can Fuse not only your physical exercise with your day-to-day mental, emotional, and spiritual health and the importance of that. And she also has a new program launching in January called Head Above Water. And so I highly recommend that you check out Jen. She does a lot of really great fitness challenges and shares a lot of tips and insights. And she's at Jen's Fusion Coaching.
And finally, we have Maura Eliza. And Maura is a traditional naturopath. And she has a really beautiful program that's called The Vibrant Way. And you can take this program at any time, and it's really to give you insight into your whole body. And she really focuses on holistic as your.
Jenni (09:39.918)
whole body, your whole life, your whole mind, emotional, spiritual, all the aspects. And she just has a beautiful way of merging everything together and helping give you insight into how you can really incorporate more rest and more rejuvenation into your day-to-day life, which is so important.
And so I definitely recommend that you check out Maura Eliza, she's at Flex Health with Maura.
So those are the nine really extraordinary souls who just jumped in and said yes when I asked them to be on this podcast. And so they know how much they mean to me, but I want all of you guys to know how much they mean to me.
So please, please support their work. I'll include their information in the show notes below.
All right, so reflection, you know, as you are listening to this, it'll be the end of 2023. And it's really crazy how fast time goes by. You know, when I look back a year from now, there wasn't even an inkling or a seed to be born of this podcast yet. The idea really came to me this last July. And so a year ago,
I had no idea what I was really going to be doing. I wanted to add something more into my life. Like I felt like there was something missing, but I didn't know what until I had the opportunity to take a master class with Danielle Page. And this last summer became really introduced to all of these different entrepreneurs. And
Jenni (11:40.87)
what makes them so different is they've stepped out of the comfortable matrix business environment that many entrepreneurs operate in and they are really pursuing their passions, their soul-led passions and are using their gifts and their talents to heal the world. And it just really
me as just, wow, you know, I need to share these stories because it's not talked about yet. And it's so important to start showing what's possible and that you have choices and that you can pursue what you love. And that's so very important on this journey.
Jenni (12:40.002)
the awakening journey that you are on. I often am thinking about why am I here? And I'm sure it's a question that to some degree we all are faced with at different points in our lives. And depending on where we are on that journey, the why we are here could be very focused on
fulfilling our ego needs and wants and desires, kind of from an earthly realm perspective. And there's nothing wrong with that at all. And it can be very, very beautiful. And then, you know, you can all of a sudden get shook out of that very comfortable existence, but it can be an existence that you unknowingly
don't even realize is not the whole reason why you're here. And those of you that know me, know that I have been on quite the journey the last five years, and I am in the process of finishing my book, which will come out in 2024, summer of 2024, that really details my whole journey, my whole awakening journey of before
during and after. And I wrote this for several reasons, but mostly because I wanted to have something out there that I wish I would have had when I was going through this. And so I hope that you will take a look at that when it becomes available. So that's a lot of what I've been reflecting on.
Why are we here? What are we doing? Everything is like, you know, in a haze sometimes of hustle and especially during the holiday season. And what really grounds me to purpose is coming back to love and realizing that no matter what we're doing, and especially if you are someone that is aware, is awake and sees the light,
Jenni (15:06.162)
You taking the time to shine that light and to help others is so very important. And those of you in the community know that I often say, together we move mountains. And that's so very true. And I'm so very blessed to interact and get to know so many of you. So thank you. And finally, what is ahead for Soul Aligned CEO?
So we will continue to have really fun podcast episodes. Season two launches January 3rd with a very special guest, Ms. Danielle Page. I am so excited to share this episode with you all. I think you will enjoy the conversation.
She shares so much insight and is just such an extraordinary and inspiring soul. So make sure you subscribe to wherever you listen to podcasts so you don't miss that one on January 3rd. And then we will continue to have guests on the program each month, either established entrepreneurs or new entrepreneurs.
will come on and share their journeys about starting sole aligned businesses. And then we also have the sole aligned CEO community, which I am very proud of. We just started in November and it's a small group right now but we are coming together to inspire and really support each other and
really to have that place where we can learn and grow as sole aligned entrepreneurs. So if that's something that you're interested in, definitely make sure and reach out. So as the year comes to an end, I just really want to again say thank you so very much for your support. This little podcast has turned into something.
Jenni (17:20.43)
far bigger than I ever could have imagined. And I'm really excited for what's possible and I appreciate all of you. So I hope that this has been interesting and informative and I wish you much peace, love and joy as you pursue being soul aligned. Thank you, happy new year.